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Computers replacing teachers essay

So the big question is can computers really replace teachers After giving it a strict thought, the answer is no Yes it is true that all the study material is available

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Therefore, some people think that computers will replace teachers in classrooms read more Therefore, teacher can t be replaced by computers since it obviously failed in covering the students ability variation Search for your essay title

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So the big question is can computers really replace teachers After giving it a strict thought, the answer is no Yes it is true that all the study material is available


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Essay on So the big question is can computers really replace teachers After giving it a strict thought, the answer is no Yes it is true that all the study material is available.

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In the opposite our teachers seemingly forget some points and are not able to answer all questions that we ask Computer again can replace the presence of.

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Can Computers Replace Teachers? | National Education Апр 2 13 г -.


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